Documentary ‘Plastic the raw material
What needs to be done to reduce the growing mountain of plastic waste? In the documentary Plastic: The Raw Material, we seek answers.
What opportunities do entrepreneurs and experts see for reducing plastic waste? What new ideas and innovations are emerging? Join us on a journey into the minds and actions of changemakers.
The French fry industry lends a hand
Plastic made from residual materials from the French fry industry or bioplastic derived from sugarcane, it exists and is less harmful to the environment than petroleum-based plastics. We meet innovative entrepreneurs like Damir Perkic of BE O Bottle, who developed a design water bottle made from sugarcane. BE O stands for be circular.

Packaging, the champion of plastic usage
Nearly everything new comes wrapped in plastic. As the primary packaging material, plastic dominates the market, which is why we visit the Empack trade show, to seek out sustainable companies. One such innovator is Nutripack, which developed the Eco-Tray, a packaging solution using 90% less plastic.
Knowledge is power
We also visit the Knowledge Institute for Sustainable Packaging in the Netherlands (KIDV), where companies aiming for sustainable packaging can seek advice. The Recycle Check offers guidance to entrepreneurs, and the KIDV helps foster connections within the supply chain.

Why is plastic the raw material?
Used plastic has value, therefore it is a new raw material. New products can be made from old plastic. At VanWerven Recycling, we see how mountains of discarded plastic are sorted and reused. Here waste becomes a new raw material.
We Live in a Plastic Society
Plastic is an integral part of our lives, and its use continues to grow, that’s a fact. In “Plastic the raw material,” we travel alongside entrepreneurs and experts who aim to reduce environmental impact. We discover initiatives that are sometimes in their infancy and others that are surprisingly large-scale.

Companies featured in this documentary are from the Dutch provinces of Flevoland, Gelderland, North Brabant, North Holland, Overijssel, and South Holland.
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